.天才です。He is a genius..It is my bonsai.I put it on the desk of the Japanese style room..Looking at this, I think that bonsai is an art.You are truly attractive trunk..Even small, bonsai makes happiness..I always think.The garden owner of the bonsai garden here is a genius..As you always say, bonsai is an art.Because art is a craftsman's sense is quite important..Kiyoshi Hiramatsu who makes bonsai here is wonderful..#盆栽 #盆栽鉢 #bonsaipot #bonsai #bonsaitree #bonsailife #분재 #小品盆栽 #tree #bonsaiworld #盆景 #植物 #苔 #bonzai #香川盆栽 #山野草 #苔玉 #pot #園芸 #ガーデニング #盆栽鉢 #和風 #丁寧 #丁寧な暮らし #職人 #職人技

instagram : http://kagawabonsai.net
mail : katsumuracotnact@gmail.
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.天才です。He is a genius..It is my bonsai.I put it on the desk of the Japanese style room..Looking at this, I think that bonsai is an art.You are truly attractive trunk..Even small, bonsai makes happiness..I always think.The garden owner of the bonsai garden here is a genius..As you always say, bonsai is an art.Because art is a craftsman's sense is quite important..Kiyoshi Hiramatsu who makes bonsai here is wonderful..#盆栽 #盆栽鉢 #bonsaipot #bonsai #bonsaitree #bonsailife #분재 #小品盆栽 #tree #bonsaiworld #盆景 #植物 #苔 #bonzai #香川盆栽 #山野草 #苔玉 #pot #園芸 #ガーデニング #盆栽鉢 #和風 #丁寧 #丁寧な暮らし #職人 #職人技



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